
The power of two: Integration of Fabrimex into Exista AG   A year ago, we announced the acquisition of Fabrimex AG by Exista AG. The joint move...



Since 1977: Supporting our customers with the best Power Supplies for their Application

Our traditional company develops and produces since 1977 itself. We know our customer’s needs exactly and know that an optimal power supply for maximum performance, which works seamlessly over a long period of time, is needed.



Open Frame power supplyOpen Frame Power Supply
5 - 360 Watt
Open Frame Power Supplies in our Shop
ACDCmedicalOpen Frame Power Supply, medical
20 - 350 Watt
Open Frame Power Supplies in our Shop (medical)
desktop adapterDesktop Supply
21 - 150 Watt
Desktop Supplies in our Shop
medical desktop adapterDesktop Supply, medical
21 - 100 Watt
Desktop Supplies in our Shop (medical)
SteckernetzteilWall Mount Adapter
10 - 30 Watt
Wall Mount Adapter in our Shop
Medical Wall MountWall Mount Adapter, medical
15 - 30 Watt
Wall Mount Adapter in our Shop (medical)
ACDC closePower Supply, enclosed
15 Watt - 50 kW
Power Supplies in our Shop (enclosed)



Modified AC/DC Power Supplies

From the broad standard assortment, Fabrimex AG can quickly and cost effectively offer modifications according to your needs. Be it as

  • another Input Voltage
  • an increased insulation voltage
  • another output voltage
  • another design
ACDC custom 

AC/DC Power Supplies in our Shop

Exista AG

Mettlenbachstrasse 23
CH-8617 Mönchaltorf

Tel. +41 43 204 01 01


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